
Tasting è il sito che racchiude i racconti di Daniela e le foto di Massimo.

Il luogo dove raccogliamo le emozioni enogastronomiche che viviamo nel nostro girovagare a Napoli, in Campania e ovunque ci porti il caso.

Senza giudizi o recensioni di tipo tecnico, senza troppi fronzoli. Non è un catalogo completo di tutti i possibili oggetti di degustazione, ma il mezzo attraverso il quale vogliamo condividere delle esperienze e delle suggestioni.

Therefore, non ci sarà alcuna stroncatura: questo blog si propone di essere uno spazio riservato ai momenti speciali. Un percorso attraverso le squisitezze.

Quello che non ci piace, lo lasceremo fuori.

We would be happy to hear from you about our adventures 🙂


10 good reasons to follow tasted!


1 The taste is a site recognizable. It has its own logo, its identity and its editorial line.
Public exclusively according to his preferences and his path, and does not generate confusion, since it does not disclose press releases.

2 Tasting tells any kind of raid gastronomic, the feast of street food to visits to starred restaurants.
Report many exercises tested and approved, as well as companies and products worthy of trust.
Discover our reports 😉

3 Having chosen a project strongly circumscribed makes the path of the site more impervious! But also why the rewards are greater 🙂
Follow tasted means to hear a informal and personal voice. Ti va di farci compagnia? 😉

4 The taste is always at the forefront of news and updates the world of food. Stay tuned!

5 A beautiful picture tells a story. Even better though is if the beautiful photo is also inserted in a beautiful explanatory context, describing everything in detail. On tasting it does 😉

6 Looking for ideas to go eat something good? Ti suggeriamo dove andare e cosa fare con la nostra rubrica Events gourmands of the month.
The first day of each month, When tasted with fixture!

7 Our travel stories enclosing flavors and enthusiasm! Do not lose 😉

8 The address book Taste of Cinema browse all kinds of film work that tells of food, Food and gastronomy. Whether it's a single scene or an entire movie, here you will find bread for your teeth 😉

9 Lo sapevi che dietro ogni singolo post ci sono hours? Write text, Photo editing them, assemble and publish all require a lot of time!
Reward our efforts with your 😉 visits

10 Vuoi essere sempre aggiornato su incursioni e avventure gastronomiche?
Clicca “Mi piace” sulla nostra Facebook page.

Ti ricordiamo che le photo Site are complemented by those on our pages Facebook.

On tasting it is independent.
That follows its original path, selective and well defined.
It conveys information without too much chatter.
That gives tips on appointments of each month.
That deals with specialized topics such as tea, oil, the cheeses, craft beers.
Which devotes space to the movies gastronomic theme.
What is synthetic, comprehensive and easy to browse through numerous indices and labels.
And it is beautiful to look at 🙂

Tasting: A Place we call Home.


2 Responses

  1. Elisabetta says:

    I follow you, I'm passionate to your stories and raids! 🙂
