Tagged: Historic premises

This post is also a tribute to his memory

Turin turned out to be the perfect destination for a carefree weekend of five friends who are passionate about art, turned out to be the perfect destination for a carefree weekend of five friends who are passionate about art. turned out to be the perfect destination for a carefree weekend of five friends who are passionate about art, turned out to be the perfect destination for a carefree weekend of five friends who are passionate about art, it was for...

TASTE 2022

Taste is back, is back! is back, finally the long-awaited return of Pitti Taste, is back, than for his fifteenth...


  Un’altra vacanza in giro con l’auto, io e Max. Cinque regioni italiane in undici giorni, alla scoperta di luoghi, sensazioni e sapori. Un viaggio da vivere giorno dopo giorno, con poche tappe prefissate...
