Dal banco friggitoria, ben sistemato sul fronte strada per attirare l’attenzione dei frenetici passanti, fa capolino il meglio dello street food partenopeo.
Nella sala interna, ad armeggiare al forno a legna, c’è il maestro pizzaiolo Attilio Bachetti, nipote omonimo del fondatore.
Attilio è un gran lavoratore e una persona assai discreta, poco incline alle luci dei riflettori; le sue doti di artigiano e la sua preparazione sono unanimemente riconosciute (tra le altre cose, ha conseguito l’Attestato di Sommelier), ed inoltre la pizzeria quest’anno è stata insignita dei “Tre Spicchi” dalla guida “Pizzerie d’Italia” del Gambero Rosso.

Da Attilio
From the fryer bench, well arranged on the street front to attract the attention of frantic passers-by, peep Neapolitan street food.
In the dining room, working at the wood oven, there is the master pizza chef Attilio Bachetti, namesake grandson of the founder.
It would be fair in this context expect to be in front of a solid bastion of tradition, and in fact the menu contains the classics of the repertoire of Neapolitan pizzas.
It is surprising therefore to find that there are several original recipes, and the best seller of the house is created by Attilio: pizza Carnevale, a star of dough with 8 points stuffed with ricotta. This fanciful design has also found its natural evolution in the “Sun in the dish”, with mozzarella, fresh porcini mushrooms and cherry tomatoes.
Attilio is a hard worker and a very decent person, not well-disposed to the spotlight; his skills as a craftsman and its preparation are unanimously recognized (among other things, he earned a Certificate of Sommelier), and also the pizzeria this year was awarded the “Three cloves” from the guide “Pizzerias in Italy” by Gambero Rosso.
The place is full of evidence of the past, souvenirs of customers and touches of superstition. But here there is no need to keep your fingers crossed: no tricks, no fakes, the pizza is really good! 😉
Resoconto della presentazione della guida Pizzerie d’Italia qui