Le pizze fritte di Enzo sono una goduria: dorate, asciutte, leggerissime, dalla pasta sottile, farcite secondo la ricetta classica che prevede ricotta, cicoli, provola affumicata, basilico e un pizzico di pepe, con qualche concessione alla conserva di pomodoro.
Due i formati, pizza tonda e battilocchio, sempre caldi, gonfi e aurei. Avvolti in carta, da consumare sul posto, portare via o ricevere direttamente a casa.
Come colazione, spuntino, pranzo o cena, la pizza fritta è sempre comfort food che scalda il cuore, lo stomaco e la giornata.

Il locale è ininterrottamente gremito, popolato dagli avventori più disparati. È uno spettacolo nello spettacolo osservare Enzo e famiglia preparare le pizze, lì a vista, e contemporaneamente assistere al viavai e all’interagire di personaggi sempre unici e autentici. Un traboccare di energia vitale, calore e umanità.
Prosecutori della tradizione familiare saranno i rampolli
Cristiano e
Salvatore, custodi di un patrimonio fatto di saperi e memorie, che attraverso di loro resterà imperituro. La Storia continua.

Cristiano Piccirillo

Via Giulio Cesare Capaccio, 27 – Napoli
tel. 081/281057
Neapolitan pizza lovers have a wonderful alternative to their attacks, in addition to traditional pizza baked in a wood-burning oven: the fried pizza. Tasty legacy of a historic trade – run by ladies who put up frying stations in front of their homes to increase the family income – the fried pizza is one of the most representative street food in the city. But, like all good things, its preparation must be impeccable! There is a real place of worship, in the popular area known as Case Nuove, where the fried pizza reaches supreme heights of sublimity: pizzeria Masardona. Name comes from the nickname given to the founder Anna, fryer after World War II, and it means “messenger”.
Today the business is run by his grandson Enzo Piccirillo and his family. In this small, clean and odor-free room they work continuously from daybreak until early afternoon; on Saturdays they work also in the evening.
Enzo’s fried pizzas are a pleasure: golden, dry, lightweight, thin-crust, stuffed according to the classic recipe that includes cottage cheese, pork fat, smoked provola, basil and a pinch of pepper, with some concessions to the tomato paste. Alternatively, they can be stuffed with escarole, black olives, pine nuts and raisins, or fresh tomato, basil and provola in the summer. Delicacies to be enjoyed with a glass of Marsala wine for free. The ingredients are of excellent quality; due to the high amount of consumption, cicoli are always fresh, soft and not shrunken, provided by a trusted manufacturer. With the same care, the oil is constantly changed.
Two sizes, round pizza and “battilocchio”, always hot, swollen and golden. Wrapped in brown paper, to be consumed on the spot, take away or receive at home. As breakfast, snack, lunch or dinner, the fried pizza is always comfort food that warms the heart, stomach and the day. Equally extraordinary are the Easter tortani and savory pizzas that Enzo realizes only on request.
The place is constantly crowded, populated by many different customers. It is a show within a show to observe Enzo and family prepare the pizzas, in plain sight, and at the same time to watch the comings and goings and the interaction of always unique and authentic characters. An overflow of vital energy, warmth and humanity.
Young Cristiano and Salvatore Piccirillo will be the prosecutors of the family tradition, guardians of a heritage of knowledge and memories, which will remain imperishable through them.
History goes on.
Sembra davvero deliziosa, non conoscevo la pizza fritta, grazie per il post!
È una specialità tipica della nostra regione, ti auguro di riuscire a provarla perchè ne vale davvero la pena 😉
…confesso.. non l’ho mai assaggiata! Ahime, cosa mi sono persa… dev’esssere una delizia!
Ovviamente, non posso che stra-consigliarla ;-)) Grazie della visita!