Da manuale la Guancia di manzo brasata all’aglianico.
Relativamente ai dolci, si resta prevalentemente su terreni già noti.

Cannolo, ricotta, limone e arancia

Crema bruciata alla vaniglia

Dolcezze finali
La cantina è piuttosto contenuta; il conto finale è talmente misurato da invogliare (oltre alla cucina, naturalmente) a una visita successiva.
Non vi resta che partire alla volta del salernitano, alla ricerca di questa meta lontana ma sorprendente.
Osteria Arbustico
Contrada Deserte – Valva, Salerno
tel. 0828/796266
AGGIORNAMENTO: Osteria Arbustico ha traslocato a Paestum (Salerno) a febbraio 2018.
You really must be determined to go to Osteria Arbustico. You can not get there by accident.
Destination Valva, a small town in the upper Valle del Sele, 500 meters above sea level.
Waiting for you, a nice and cozy renovated farmhouse, mansion of brothers Cristian and Tomas Torsiello.
In this rustic but tastefully modernized setting, the entrance hall offers a pleasant view ofthe surrounding mountains.
The cuisine of Cristian Torsiello is essential, rural the just enough, enriched by the many experiences at the great names of Italian restaurants (among others, Niko Romitoand Gennaro Esposito, who recently called him “the young chef of Campania on which to focus most, with cuisine rich of character and original ideas”). Torsiello is often involved in great gastronomic events, even in the company of a group of young colleagues called “Friends of pans” that includes emerging talents of the regional culinary landscape.
Our visit took place at the turn of the seasonal change of spring/summer menu.
In addition to a good selection of home-made breads (rye bread, grains, potatoes and rosemary focaccia, wafer made of chickpea flour, Valva bagels), there was initially served a Welcome taste indicative of the style of the dishes to follow: finger Eggplant Parmigiana and Cannoli made with chestnut flour, stuffed with lemon mousse and chicken livers. Territoriality and creativity at the same time.
Just come into the paper, the Soup with ricotta cheese and anchovies, nice blend of buffalo and sea, rich in herbs, balsamic notes and a touch of confit tomato. Almost a classic instead the Marinade lightly smoked trout with cauliflower and orange.
Full-bodied and delicate at the same time the pasta dishes, full flavor to rule.
Excellent the Beef cheek braised with Aglianico.
About the desserts, they remain mostly on an already known land.
The cellar is rather limited; the final bill is so measured that entice you (in addition to the cuisine, of course) to a subsequent visit. You just have to leave for the Salerno area, in search of this distant but surprising destination.